How are noise camera locations selected?

New York City is finally catching up with cities around the world that have been looking at how different kinds of noise cameras can be incorporated within plans for reducing vehicle noise.

Currently, a small number of noise cameras will be placed in each of New York City's boroughs. All to most of these placements were based on the number of NYC311 complaints, level of activism of a Council district's representative, number of noise activists in a City Council district, or a combination of these. If you live in a Council district where residents do not submit 311 noise complaints, you can approach your local Community Board. It is highly recommended that you not do this on your own. Work on this - and approach the Board - as part of a group.

If you have tried these approaches without success, write directly to those at the Department of Environmental Protection who are working on noise cameras in New York City.

Noise Camera working group
Bureau of Environmental Compliance
Department of Environmental Protection
59-17 Junction Boulevard, 8th Floor
Flushing, NY 11373

Chronic aggressive driving behavior in all its forms is bad for New Yorkers' health - and sleep.